Ronald Allan Repollo

Full-Stack Web Developer

Welcome to my page!

I'm a software engineer whose doing full stack web development recently. I have a good knowledge and practice in Java, MySQL and PHP. Now I'm learning Javascript, CSS, BootStrap and other languages and tools so that I can officially call myself a full stack web developer. Feel free to explore this page to get to know more about me and don't forget to leave me a message.

My Languages and Tools

HTML logo
Semantic HTML

Use of attributes and hyperlinks as well as HTML forms and tables. Application of semantic HTML and debugging of elements.

CSS logo
Cascading Style Sheets

Proficiency in adding styles and formatting to html elements. Knowledge in CSS selectors and their prioritization rule. Common styling properties and positioning. Application of box model.

BootStrap logo
Frontend toolkit

Familiarization in using BootStrap document and how to apply it in HTML code. Use of grid system / CRC (container, row, column) rule, flex display and built-in components.

JavaScript logo

Objects, Array traversal and manipulation, class constructor blueprint. Use of CRUD operations and aggregate commands for MongoDB as well as JavaScript object notation (JSON).

MySQL logo
RDBMS and Structured Query Language

Create databases, queries and tables. Developed stored procedures. Processing SQL statements with JDBC (Java database connectivity).

Java logo
JAVA SE (Standard Edition)

Familiarized to object oriented programming, object, array and string manipulation as well as threading / multithreading. Created cron job applications deployed to linux servers and developed computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) tool softwares.

MongoDB logo
NoSQL, CRUD and Aggregation

Use of create, read, update and delete operations to documents and collections using JavaScript and JSON as well as aggregation commands, query operators and field projection. Data modeling and translation.

ReactJS logo
React JS
Component-Driven Development

Properties and States with the use of App State Management. Routing, Conditional Rendering and API Integration with Fetch. Use of Effects, Events and Forms.

NodeJS logo

Use of REST API and routing with HTTP methods. Knowledge of several HTTP modules, Node.js Express and Mongoose framework. Separation of Concerns using MRC (model, routes, controller) structure.

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